






About us

“Friends of Northeast Asia: Children’s Art Exhibition (“Tomodachi-Ten” in Japanese)” is aiming at promoting peace in Northeast Asia. 

We exhibit paintings drawn by children in Japan (Japanese and Koreans living in Japan called “Zainichi Koreans”), the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) at one venue. They know each other through the paintings and exchange friendship messages with their “future friends” who will build peace together. 

We started the activity in 2001 and have held exhibitions in Tokyo, Seoul, and Pyongyang. Also, children in Yanji, China, joined us in 2010. We share the paintings with our partners all around Japan for the exhibitions. Children participate in the exchange camps and workshops as far as they can visit each region and establish face-to-face relationships. 

If we are interested in each other , accept and respect our differences, and learn from history, that will be the key to the new future. We encourage as many children in Northeast Asia as possible to meet and make friends. 






Our Activity

Since the emergency relief as a response to the floods in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) in 1995, NGOs in Japan established the network “Relief Campaign Committee for Children, Japan (RCCJ)” and started humanitarian assistance to North Korean children.

However, the abduction issues and tense security concerns since the 2000s made it difficult to voice up for humanitarian aid to the children. Therefore, we shifted our aim to cultural exchange. In order to achieve our aim, we have introduced North Korean children to our neighbors and encouraged them to think together about how we can make a peaceful future in Northeast Asia for the next generations.

We started a friendship program, “Tomodachi-Ten,” in 2001 with other organizations, where children exchange paintings with their “friends.”

Our exchange programs become more and more active. We organize children’s exchanges through mutual visits to Japan and South Korea and hold an exhibition at an elementary school in Pyongyang.


東京19回、平壌7回、ソウル10回。日本国内展 約150回。

韓国から 657点(ソウル、釜山、安山、平澤ほか)
朝鮮から 554点(平壌、平城)
日本から 3238点(東京、神奈川、埼玉、千葉、山梨、茨城、名古屋、京都、大阪、山口、福岡、福島、新潟、島根ほか)
中国から 309点(延吉、揮春、図們ほか)

日本から韓国へ 91名
韓国から日本へ 103名
中国から日本へ 1名
日本から朝鮮へ 109名

Our Achievements(2001-2020)

●Exhibitions(unit: time)
Tokyo: 19, Pyongyang 7, South Korea: 10.
Total (including domestic exhibitions in Japan): 150.

-From South Korea (such as Seoul, Busan, Ansan, and Pyeongtaek): 657
-From North Korea (Pyongyang, Pyongsong): 554
-From China (such as Yanji, Húnchūn, and Túmén): 309
-From Japan: 3,238

●Children participants
– Japan → South Korea: 91
– South Korea → Japan: 103
– China → Japan: 1
– Japan → North Korea: 109 (4 Japanese and 105 Zainichi Koreans)






Our Partners

●South Korea
Our partner NGO “Okedongmu Children in Korea (OKCK),” (Okedongmu means “friends with arms around each other” in Korean) cooperates us for collecting children’s paintings. OKCK has promoted peace education to South Korean children as well as medical and food assistance to North Korean children.
It has organized “East Asia Children’s Peace Workshop,” and Japanese and Zainichi Korean children have built their friendship through the OKCK’s workshops. 

●North Korea
Elementary schools in Pyongyang have cooperated with us to collect the painting. We have organized the exhibitions in these schools since 2002, and not only the students and their parents but also local people visited our exhibitions.
Despite the severe international affairs, we have had stable interactions with the schools, and they have continuously sent the children’s paintings and messages.

We have called for paintings for children all around Japan, both Japanese and Zainichi Koreans. When we hold an exhibition, children exchange with their new friends through drawing paintings, and adults discuss how they can bring peace to Northeast Asia for future generations with us in a seminar.
We also have domestic partners of “Tomodachi-Ten” in Saitama, Fukuoka, and Osaka, and they organize exhibitions every year. 

Children in Yanji, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in China, joined us in 2010 and have sent paintings to us since then. We have also visited our partner, Yanji children’s Library, and have held exhibitions and workshops with the local children.



Story of Our Activities

At the art exhibition in 2021, we received messages from our partners and alumni to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our activity. Among them is a Pyongyang alumnus, who drew a painting, “Me Grown to a University Student,” at an elementary school in 2010, when “Me after 10 years” was the workshop theme. He gave us a heartwarming message. “I am grateful and impressed that I became exactly who I drew with hope to be like 10 years ago.” “My experience participating in “Tomodachi-Ten” was wonderful, and it encouraged me to make my dream come true. I hope my friends, whom I met through the activity, also realize their dream. We really want to meet them and share our new dreams.”  His words demonstrate that Pyongyang children, too, remember our activity as a precious memory.


●第20回 南北コリアと日本のともだち展 (2021年6月)
20th anniversary Tokyo Exhibition


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